Thursday, March 3, 2016

Diversity in the Workplace - Cons

Diversity can be good in the workplace, but it also has it downsides. Diversity is not only how people look at themselves, but it is also how people look at others. Doing this can affect their relationship in the work place. Judging someone for their religion, culture, or sexual orientation can bring tension into any situation. Working with someone who has a problem with you can result in arguing, not agreeing on anything, and making work uncomfortable to everyone else at work.

If there is conflict in the workplace towards someone else for their beliefs, then the boss should sit them down; listen to both of their sides of the story, and work hard to resolve the situation. That way the boss can defuse the issue, and let each other talk in a safe place, and that way the circumstances can be restored and both people can feel at ease, and then begin to work together after having a long talk about everything.

For employees to function in the workplace, professionals need to understand all the issues that can happen such as communication, change, and adaptability. With someone who is from a different country and doesn’t speak very well, it can be hard to understand what they are trying to say, but you shouldn’t get frustrated with them, you must take your time talking to them and understanding them, and they must try to speak slower, and use hand gestures if that helps. Even though you can’t comprehend what they are saying sometimes, keeping calm, and working with them to figure out what they need will be much more rewarding than getting angry, and passing them off to someone else.

Change can be difficult in a workplace, bringing someone who believes in something else, or thinks differently can result in poor work ethic, or cause drama in the workplace. When hiring someone, the boss must also evaluate any situation that could happen, because at the end of the day, the workers must be able to get along, because drama in the workplace is never a good thing.

Chris Joseph, D. M. (n.d.). What Are Some Negative Aspects of Diversity in the Workplace? Retrieved from

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