Saturday, March 5, 2016

Diversity in the Workplace - Better Work Environment

What can we do to stop diversity from happening in the workplace? We can work hard with employees or co-workers who are coming in from a different country and need help learning English. We shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and we should always stand up for those who are being discriminated for who they are and show other employees that having people from other races, cultures, or anything else can make a huge difference in the workplace just by having them as one of the team. Having diversity isn’t a bad thing and people should not have to feel judge for who they are.

For people to come forward and stand up for who they are is incredible, and I think that more people should not be afraid of being judge for who they are. If you are 76, working hard, and love working, then you shouldn’t feel obligated to retire just because your boss thinks you are too old to be working. If you are from a different religion, and someone else feels that what you believe is wrong and argue with you that his or her religion is better than yours is. You don’t have to fight with them about it, everyone believes in something different, and even if you don’t agree, neither of you have to bring it into the workplace.

Gender is also a huge diversity in the workplace, sometimes men think that they can do anything better than women can, but at the end of the day; it shouldn’t matter if you are male or female. If you are getting the job done, and doing it well, then gender shouldn’t have to play a role in rewarding that employee for accomplishing a job. Bringing both male and females into the workplace can bring more knowledge and teamwork into any job. Men and women both bring different things to the table, so why bring sexism into the workplace, when you can instead work hard with one another, it'll make for a better work environment and make everyone feel welcome.

At the end of the day, you are what matters most to yourself, and you shouldn't have to fear being judged on a day-to-day basis. Work hard on you, and never let anyone tell you who you are. 

Diversity in the Workplace - Other Types

Everyday people face struggles and most of those struggles are from diversity, prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. What are all of these things, and what makes them different from one another?

Prejudice is a prejudgment, which is judging someone or something for his or her race, social class, gender, age, disability, size in weight, sexual orientation, or anything else along those lines.

Stereotype is a belief towards specific groups or individuals. It is when you assume something before you even got to know the person. For example, you see a person who has lots of tattoos, drives a motorcycle, and walks around with a neutral emotion, you might think that this person could be very mean or you might just hang onto your purse a little harder. However, you never know how a person is, but because you are judging a person before you get to know them, you might never know that they could be a sweet, teddy bear, that has a bunch of tattoos, drives a motorcycle, and just walks around with a neutral emotion. 

Discrimination is prejudging people based on their association with a certain group, race, or classification. Discrimination is having strong feelings against those certain groups. It can include rejecting those people from opportunities based on who they are and what they do. Discrimination is everywhere, can make things in the workplace very difficult, and can cause a lot of drama.

What makes prejudice, stereotype, and discrimination different from diversity? There isn’t a huge difference between them, they are all prejudging people by the way they look, the group they are in or just the individual themselves. Why do we judge people before we know them? It’s hard to say because people do it all the time, but the most common saying is “don’t judge a book by its cover,” and I think a lot more people should live by that saying.

Clarence Goodlein, A. P. (2012, October 9). Cultural Diversity & Bias, Prejudice, & Discrimination. Retrieved from

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Diversity in the Workplace - Cons

Diversity can be good in the workplace, but it also has it downsides. Diversity is not only how people look at themselves, but it is also how people look at others. Doing this can affect their relationship in the work place. Judging someone for their religion, culture, or sexual orientation can bring tension into any situation. Working with someone who has a problem with you can result in arguing, not agreeing on anything, and making work uncomfortable to everyone else at work.

If there is conflict in the workplace towards someone else for their beliefs, then the boss should sit them down; listen to both of their sides of the story, and work hard to resolve the situation. That way the boss can defuse the issue, and let each other talk in a safe place, and that way the circumstances can be restored and both people can feel at ease, and then begin to work together after having a long talk about everything.

For employees to function in the workplace, professionals need to understand all the issues that can happen such as communication, change, and adaptability. With someone who is from a different country and doesn’t speak very well, it can be hard to understand what they are trying to say, but you shouldn’t get frustrated with them, you must take your time talking to them and understanding them, and they must try to speak slower, and use hand gestures if that helps. Even though you can’t comprehend what they are saying sometimes, keeping calm, and working with them to figure out what they need will be much more rewarding than getting angry, and passing them off to someone else.

Change can be difficult in a workplace, bringing someone who believes in something else, or thinks differently can result in poor work ethic, or cause drama in the workplace. When hiring someone, the boss must also evaluate any situation that could happen, because at the end of the day, the workers must be able to get along, because drama in the workplace is never a good thing.

Chris Joseph, D. M. (n.d.). What Are Some Negative Aspects of Diversity in the Workplace? Retrieved from

Diversity in the Workplace - Pros

Diversity in the workplace is a good thing, having people from different diversities can make your company or workplace more interesting and show others how important it is to bring everyone into the workplace.

Companies who hire people from different diversities can be a great opportunity for those who have a hard time finding jobs, like people with disabilities. People with autism or Down syndrome have a hard time finding a job because people look at them and only see them for what they look like. Nevertheless, they could bring so much into the workplace. Bringing them into the company can help them learn how to interact with other people, and get better work ethics, and it could help them get so far with their social skills, that it could get them an even better job in the future. Sometimes you just have to put a little faith in someone.

When working with someone who doesn’t speak English very well can be frustrating, but at the end of the day, you have to treat everyone equally. You can work with them and help them learn English. You can make yourself a good friend in the workplace, just by helping them out.

Whatever diversity you want for you company, you will likely end up with employees who will work hard through all the challenges they might face. This will help the company with any issues that could happen; they can come up with some advice, and help resolve the problem. Which is very important in any workplace. 
Mohit. (2013, August 9). Why diversity is so good for the workplace. Retrieved from 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Diversity in the Workplace

In today’s life diversity is a big topic in any workplace, there will be a lot of different diversities such as, culture, age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and personality. There is a lot of good and bad in diversity, but at the end of the day, we are all supposed to be treated the same. 

Why should everyone be treated the same? Well, no matter where you are working, if it is a doctor’s office, a school, or as a receptionist, everyone has worked hard to get to where they are, and gender, age, or anything else should not affect the work place. Coming into work, and having someone look down on you for your race or gender is a hard environment to work in. It makes that person’s job difficult, and sometimes they do not want to work there. Everybody should be able to speak freely about something they feel strongly about, without the fear of being judged. The society we live in now a day is so hard on people, we grow up learning different things than other people, and when they bring that with them wherever they go, other people should not have to bring them down for believing in something they grew up learning about.

 Looking at someone and thinking that they aren’t good enough because of their sexuality, or beliefs, or personality, is really just a poor judge of character. None of that should matter in a work environment. Everyone is there because that is where he or she wants to be, and having to work in a place that doesn’t quite like you for a small detail is very sad, and shouldn’t even have to be a thought. A phrase I’m sure your parents thought you as a kids was “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” We should all still live like this.

I strongly believe, that everyone should be treated the same, no matter what you believe, or who you love, your age, your gender, or your race. Everyone should welcome diversity with open arms, and not shame them for who they are. Everyone wants to fit in; diversity should not change how a person looks at someone else.